The Challenges
Today's Common Validation Struggles
"I have no visibility! Where are we at? Are we behind? Is someone working on it?"
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"We need more people or we will never make our deadline! So many applications!"
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"Paper, paper, paper! How could we ever review all of that? Has anyone approved it?"
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"Every team did this a different way! How do we know if it was done correctly or completely?"
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Powerful Purpose-Built Platform
Discover the most consistent, comprehensive, and cost-effective way to validate all your third party applications.
Let us help you conquer your validation!
Gain project visibility.
Keep your projects on track.
Empower your project managers/testing
coordinators. View real-time updates.
Have you ever sat at your desk and wondered if everything is getting done? Did everything get included? Is the team behind?
Do your project managers waste hours a week compiling status reports that are outdated before they are even issued?
Do you lack visibility into process, progress, or issues?
Increase Efficiency
Whether you are managing a single testing event or repetitive testing events, Cymetryc provides you a variety of event management tools. Don’t waste resource time documenting and tracking.
Ditch the spreadsheet trackers and get a bird’s eye view of your event testing progress. Dashboards provide you with dynamic status updates, resource workloads, and issue tracking tools.
Get Clarity
Easily manage your testing events. Identify, develop, and allocate test plans. Set scope and resources at the start to better manage your timelines, workloads, and get a clear sense of what needs to be done.
Simplify & Standardize
Create testing templates using import wizards, copy/paste test case options, or just build it as you go. Once created, deploy the template for multiple events or multiple sites. You can even take advantage of templates Cymetryc customers have already built.
Dynamic Updates
As users discover issues, they automatically log them right from the Verify testing tool into Cymetryc portal. Project Managers and Testing Coordinators can view a consolidated list of issues, assign them to resources, and track them to resolution.
Maximize Resources
With testers focused on testing and project managers coordinating issue resolution, you can speed up your testing by as much as 60%. Testing becomes about the quality of your applications and not just checking boxes as fast as they can.
Speed up & simplify
software testing - for every
Focus your testers, simplify the validation process,
and benefit from dynamic updates
Never enough time or people? Validation is always happening but it feels like not much is getting done. How do we improve productivity?
- Pasting images to documents wastes their time
- Updating tracking spreadsheets wastes their time
- Repeating testing because they weren’t sure what to do wastes their time
- Testing things incorrectly because they didn’t have a plan wastes their time
<All of it wastes your time!
Simplified Tools
The Cymetryc Verify desktop tool puts the test plan right next to the application(s) being tested. It provides clear instructions and helpful screen capture, note, and attachment tools.
Dynamic Updates
As testing progresses, your testers click status updates, log issues, and make testing notes. All that information dynamically updates your event dashboard. End user efforts are focused on testing, not fighting with documents or spreadsheets.
Projects Conquered
Testers get testing done. Project managers can follow along without interrupting them for status updates. Issues get detected and resolved. Projects get finished.
Paperless review &
No more mountains of paper. Now a web-based portal for easy access.
Gone are the days of binders & binders of validation documentation. With hybrid inspections and file uploads, you need an electronic process for review, approval, and generation of your validation proof. And with senior staff stretched thin and often working in more than one location, that process needs to be capable of allowing review anywhere at any time.
Electronic Approvals
Cymetryc Approve provides the paperless web based approvals you need to review, approve, and electronically document the process. Email notifications alert approvers that results are ready for review. When complete, testers automatically receive feedback and status updates.
No More Paper
Ditch the days of paper report review and scrolling through pages and pages of PDF documents. Move over binders of printed data and make room for web-based review via the Cymetryc web portal.
Web-Based Review
Cymetryc provides you with a central approval portal that allows approvers to review test plan details, capture test data, provide feedback, and submit their approval with the click of a mouse. Even view screenshots side by side to verify data integrity.
Built-in compliance &
best practices
So you always exceed quality and regulatory requirements
When the inspectors arrive, now the stress really increases. Lack of standardization can make the past validation documents difficult to understand and impossible to explain.
- Why does every person generate reports in a different format?
- Why does every clinical team do this differently?
- Did anyone ever sign off on this testing?
Imagine every facility and team producing a standardized series of testing documentation, regardless of application. Imagine how easily inspections will go if everyone is reading from the same playbook. That is the goal of Cymetryc Proof.
Regulatory Ready
You can easily generate inspection-ready reports designed to meet even the most stringent FDA, CAP, CLIA, and Joint Commission regulatory guidelines. Once generated, reports can be stored in your document storage system of choice as docx files - allowing you to zoom on images, search details, and easily reference them as needed.
Reports with a click
Reports include the test plan details, captured test data, and approval information in one detailed testing report. Additional formats provide you with event summary reports and signature documents.